2018 Homeowner Services Directory


(Scroll down to find Building Supplies, Storefronts & Showrooms)

Charles Morgan, CPA, CliftonLarsonAllen •  claconnect.com •  425-250-6100

Michael Gibson, Michael K. Gibson, PS, AIA architecturegroup.com • (206) 522-1705
Charlie Shugart, AIA, & Matt Wasse, AIA, Shugart Wasse Wickwire Architecture & Interior Design • shugartwasse.com
(206) 405-2532 (Charlie) or (206) 264-7744 (main)

Asbestos Abatement
Joe Jarrells, Superior Cleaning & Restoration • superiorclean.com • (425) 481-5391
Mike Fonseca, American Environmental Construction LLC • aeconllc.com • (206) 276-4192

Lawrence Glosser, Alhers & Cressman, PLLC • ac-lawyers.com • (206) 287-9900
     (real estate)
Neil R. Sarles, Law Office of Neil R. Sarles • sarles.com • (206) 682-1771
     (estate planning, elder law, probates, guardianships)

Cleaning/Small Jobs/Restoration
Joe Jarrells, Superior Cleaning & Restoration • superiorclean.com • (425) 481-5391
     (water, smoke & fire damage, asbestos, mold)
Doug Roop, Mt. Baker Gutter Care & Roof Cleaning, • mtbakerguttercare@comcast.net • (888) 672-6772
     (gutter, roof & window cleaning)
Sue Grosz, Small Jobs! buchan01@frontier.com  • (425) 502-0416
     (painting, carpentry, spring cleaning)
Tony Hallenbeck, Pro-Long Roof Care & Gutters • prolongroofcare.com • (425) 338-7160
     (new roofs too)
Suzy Kellett, Seattle Concierge Services • seattleconciergeservices.com • (206) 353-8733
Brian Saul, House Calls, Etc. • housecallshandyman.com • (206) 618-8974

Contractors: Remodeling and/or Repair Specialist
Chris Spott & John Smith, Steelhead Residential Construction, LLC • steelheadconstructionllc.com • (206) 661-2627
Steve Bodine, Bodine Construction Services, Inc. • bodineconstruction.com • (425) 778-2557
     (foundation repairs, drainage systems & work orders)
Darren Levy, Madison Home Improvement, LLC • madisonhomeimprovement@hotmail.com • (206) 250-4079
     (remodeling, basements, kitchens & decks)
Chris Brostrom, Clean Crawl • cleancrawl.com • (425) 508-9160
     (insulation: crawl space, attic clean out, insulation upgrades)
Ian Jones, Ian Jones Design Build • ianjonesdesignbuild.com • (206) 406-0832
     (kitchen, bathroom and whole house remodeling, granite, and cabinets)
Gil Tabori, Green Lake Remodel, LLC • (425) 985-3717 • greenlakeremodel.com
      (home remodel )
David Honavand & Steve Jump, Pacific Exteriors, LLC • pacificexteriorsllc.com • (206) 877-3087
     (siding contractors)

Duct Cleaning
Justin Brunsch, Better Air Northwest betterairnw.com • (206) 898-5743

Karen & Mitch Hardy, Electrical Installers Inc. •  karen@electricalinstallersinc.com • (425) 742-2684
Scott Boyer, Boyer Electric. • boyerelectric.com • (206) 367-7606
Mike Casassa, Mike Casassa Electric • mtcasassa@hotmail.com • (206) 595-5483
     (lighting design, some residential electrical)

Al Lind, Al Lind Company • allindcompany@comcast.net • (206) 941-1777
Robbins and Co.robbinsandco.com • (206)244-1023

Garbage & Hauling
Phil Whiley, Happy Hauler, LLC • happyhauler.com • (206) 784-0313
     (certified e-waste recycler)

Hung Canh On, Far East Hardwood Floors • (206) 362-7311
     (refinishing & installation)
Mike Paiges, Paiges Floors • (206) 769-5870 • paigesfloorsllc@gmail.com

Heating & Air Conditioning
Chris D’Amelio, Olson Energy Service • olsonenergy.com • (206) 782-5522
John Mott, Evergreen Home Heating & Energy • evergreenhomeheatingandenergy.com • (206) 290-1993

Home Inspectors
Devin Lehmann, Pillar to Post Home Inspection • seattle.pillartopost.com • (206) 933-1151
Brandal Gehr, V.I. Home Inspections •  viinspections.com • (206) 227-2086
Ben Strehle, Applecore Inspections, LLC • applecoreinspections.com • (206) 390-0384

Paul & Joanna Vogel, Allstate Insurance • allstateagencies.com/paulvogel • (206) 523-2886
John Rousey, Interstate Insurance Agency • istateinsurance.com • (206) 542-3195
     (home and auto insurance including water & sewer line coverage from National Water Co.)

Interior Design
Shannon Shugart, ASID, Shugart Wasse Wickwire Architecture & Interior Design • shugartwasse.com • (206) 264-7744

Investment Services
Gary Ehret, CFP® & CRPC®, Edward Jones Investments • gary.ehret@edwardjones.com • (206) 545-9040

Landscape Design & Construction
Lisa Pfeiffer, Pfeiffer Landscaping, LLC • pfeifferlandscaping.com • (206) 849-4464
Forrest Campbell, Landscape & Property Services, LLC • (206) 660-3127

Masonry Contractor
David Lober, Design Masonry, Inc. • design-masonry.com • (206) 682-2201

Mortgage Brokers
Jeff Brown, Axia Home Loans • jeffbrown.axiahomeloans.com • (206) 919-1967
Adam Zylstra, Penrith Home Loans • adam.zylstra@penrithloans.com • (425) 879-0766

Movers & Storage Consultants
Jason Wilson, Moving Link • movinglink.com • (425) 882-7882
     (moving concierge for Windermere clients)
Katie Munoz, Moving Forward • movingforwardinc.com • (425) 702-8761
     (packing/unpacking, and organizing for busy professionals or downsizing seniors)

Oil Tank Services
Dallas Gigrich, Tanks by Dallas • tanksbydallas.net • (206) 365-0291
Tom Wise, Tank Wise wtankwise@gmail.com • (206) 937-3995

Stefen Swedin, SBS Services • ssswedin@aol.com • (206) 409-7454
     (interior only)
Guy & Sue Dixon, Dixon’s Painting, Inc. dixonspainting.com • (206) 789-3369
     (painting & wallpapering)
Bruce Girvin, Bruce’s Brushes coman46@hotmail.com • (253) 797-1273
     (interior & exterior)

Pest Control
vetted vendor coming soon

Larry Fischer, Prima Plumbing • primaplumbingwa.com • (206) 706-0300

Railings, Gates & Fences
Douglas Farage, Ballard Ornamental Ironworks, Inc. • ballardiron.com • (206) 782-3343
James & Shannon McMullen, Accurate Measures accuratemeasures.net • (206) 783-0971

Steve Berndt, B & B Roofing • stevenberndt2000@yahoo.com • (206) 632-7221
Jonita & Mark Blue, Blue & Blue Roofing, Inc • blueandblueroofing.com • (206) 367-2601
Jesse Draper, Elite Roofing & Remodel • eliteroofingnw.com • (425) 482-0676

Sewer Inspector
Rick de la Mare, Hydro Physics • hydro-physics.com • (425) 775-8445
Aaron Branstetter, Seattle Sewer Inspection • seattlesewerinspection.com • (206) 335-2315

Sewer Repairs
Rich Bentz, Strictly Sewers, Inc. • strictlysewersinc.com • (425) 418-7142 or (206) 903-8050

Solar Energy Systems
Marisa Mora-Zapata, Solterra Global LLC, • SolTerra.com • solaradmin@solterra.com • (800) 865 9005

Sprinklers Systems
Don Blackwell, Advanced Irrigation • advancedinc.com • (888) 833-6220
     (service/repairs, new installations, & backflow inspections)
Jim Hutter, Landscape Maintenance & Irrigation Repair • docgreener2@aol.com • (206) 979-6310
     (repairs and installation, basic gardening and cleanups too)

Window Replacement
Randy Lucas & Grant Neiss, Signature Window & Door Replacement • signaturewindow.com • (253) 887-7792

Storefronts & Showrooms

Building Materials-New
Greenhome Solutions • (206) 284-2281
1210 W Nickerson Street, Seattle • ghsproducts.com

Building Materials-Used
Pat Finn Coven, Ballard Reuse • (206) 423-4537
1440 NW 52nd, Seattle • ballardreuse.com

Kadence Englehardt, Earthwise, Inc. • (206) 624-4510 or (253) 476-7837
3447 4th Ave S Ste E, Seattle & 628 E 60th St, Tacoma • ewsalvage.com

John Sims, Frank Lumber-The Door Store • (206) 362-2311
17727 15th Ave NE, Shoreline • franklumber.com

Fireplaces & Barbeques
Mike Duval & John Miner, Sutter Home & Hearth, Inc. • (206) 783-9115
920 NW Leary, Seattle • sutterhearth.com

Flooring – Tile
Denée Foti, Seattle Tile Company, Inc. • (206) 782-1985
7716 15th Ave NW, Seattle • seattletilecompany.com

Flooring – Carpet

OJ, Carpet Liquidators • (206) 364-4250
13501 Aurora Ave N, Seattle • carpetliquidators.com

Interiors – Window Treatments, Carpets & Area Rugs, Color consulting
Barbara Simard, Queen Anne & Magnolia Interiors • (206) 283-0880
2114 Thorndyke Ave W, Seattle  qamaginteriors.com